
Usui Reiki Certification Courses

  • Reiki is a gentle hands on holistic method of healing and one of the most effective alternative and complimentary practices for optimal well-being. Reiki will restore inner peace and awaken your connection to yourself and Source. You truly can unlock your own Divine healing power!

    In this certified course via in person or Zoom, learn how to connect to reiki energy flow and access an ancient healing modality for life!

    You’ll be guided every step of the way as Megan takes you through a nurturing, deeply grounding Mother Earth meditation. You’ll be instructed on how to call in sacred space, increase awareness within all your senses, enhance innate gifts or abilities, and honor every moment that comes through.

    You can expect to learn Usui reiki foundations, your direct lineage to Dr.Usui, chakra balancing techniques, self reiki techniques, hand positions, the reiki principles, opening to reiki ethics, and student will receive level attunement, course manual via email + certificate mailed to you after class is complete.

    Attunement to Usui reiki WILL unlock doors and transform your life dramatically. You will learn to send reiki to plants, pets, objects, food, water, situations, spaces, clients and most importantly YOURSELF.

  • There are typically 3 levels of Reiki training, (sometimes four) and each one is centered around a sacred ceremony called an “attunement” by a Reiki Master (myself). The attunement ceremony is a unique, treasured, and empowering experience for most practitioners.

  • I schedule each class based on our availability and class will be held either in my office space in central Austin, or outside in nature if the weather is favorable.

    I also typically connect new students together for practice after class has completed. I am flexible, just let me know what works best for you and what you are seeking.

  • $444 Usui Reiki Level 1 Certified Course-Private Instruction

    $555 Usui Reiki Level 2 Certified Course-Private Instruction

    $666 Usui Reiki Level 3 Certified Master Class-Private Instruction

    Class includes manual, and Usui Level 1, 2 or Reiki Master certificate.

    No refunds after payment has been received.

Reiki healing

Healing Sessions

  • In this 90 minute in office energy healing session, you’ll be welcomed into a safe space. Megan will make sure you’re comfortable. Before any energy work begins, Megan will offer you a few moments to share what’s coming up for you (if you’d like, you don’t have to!) and she’ll answer any questions you may have.

    WHAT WILL WE BE DOING? When it’s time to begin, you’ll be guided to lay down on your back on a massage table. Megan will provide fresh pillows and offer blankets and ask if you consent to gentle touch or if you prefer her using the hovering hands method. Your Spirit guides in purest form will be called forth to support and protect you. Sacred space will be called in and Megan will lead you through a deeply anchoring Mother Earth meditation so you’re fully relaxed, able to receive the healing work with ease.

    WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT: Megan may incorporate sacred moon sprays, Palo Santo or smudge, crystals, reiki infused oils, crystal sound bowls, and programmed playlists. It is common in these sessions for clients to become DEEPLY relaxed or even experience trance. Megan will connect with your unique energy field and life journey through nurturing reiki touch and you may likely feel warmth or different sensations flow through. You’ll be taken through a relaxing meditation while connecting safely to the higher realms above. You’ll be infused through your being with activating light and any lower energies will be released and blockages cleared. Megan will be with you every step of the way, assisting you as you make your way back into body and present. It is common for clients to feel emotions or memories come up for remembrance or release. You may cry, laugh, or even sleep. All is normal and perfect for you. While channeling angelic or higher vibrational frequencies, you can expect profound transformational shifts from this ancient healing modality. Intuitive messages will be shared, and an oracle card pull will conclude the session.

    WHO BENEFITS FROM RECEIVING REIKI? This powerful healing modality benefits all, including those suffering from: anxiety, depression, excessive worry, deep seated trauma, unprocessed grief or loss, need for inner childhood healing, sensations of trapped emotions or trauma ‘stuck’ in the body or chakras, low confidence, narcissistic abuse, low creativity lack of passion or intimacy drive, anger, PTSD, sexual trauma and much more. These more dense energies or deep cords require Spirit guided assistance in clearing for full transmutation. You are not alone sweet friends. I invite you to check out our FAQ page for more information.

    No refunds once payment is sent.

  • In this 90 minute session via audio recording remotely or if you prefer to be on the call, via Zoom. Megan will correspond with you before the energy work begins to give you an opportunity to share briefly what’s coming up for you. Megan will then hop off the call to connect to your energy field and record the entire session while you go about your day.

    WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? Your Spirit guides in purest form will be called forth to support and protect you the whole way. Megan will lead you through a deeply anchoring Mother Earth meditation so you’re fully relaxed, able to receive in the comfort of your own space and timeline. While channeling angelic or higher vibrational frequencies, you can expect profound transformational shifts from this ancient healing modality. Megan enters into deep states of channeling. Light language, humming, gentle singing or chanting may come through. Intuitive messages will be shared throughout and an oracle card pull for you will conclude the session. You’ll be gently and efficiently guided back to the present and into body. This is not your basic remote reiki session as major clearing and activations can and will take place! You will feel it as if you’re right there with Megan.

    HOW DOES THIS WORK? Remote energy healing is so special to Megan because the human ego isn’t physically present while she channels so she actually receives even MORE input with the human resistance eliminated from the healing. It’s a vibration of more ease and getting to the deep work more rapidly.

    WHO IS REMOTE REIKI FOR?: This work highly benefits all including those suffering from: anxiety, depression, excessive worry, deep seated trauma, unprocessed grief or loss, need for inner childhood healing, sensations of trapped emotions or trauma ‘stuck’ in the body or chakras, low confidence, narcissistic abuse, low creativity lack of passion or intimacy drive, anger, PTSD, sexual trauma and much more. These more dense energies or deep cords require Spirit guided assistance in clearing for full transmutation. You are not alone sweet friends, you’re invited to check out our FAQ page for more information.

    No refunds once payment is sent.

  • This 120 minute offering serves those looking to dive deeper into their healing journey. This session is more intensive than traditional reiki alone. Megan will lead you on a journey while guiding you through altered states of consciousness until we identify, acknowledge, process and release the roots of ancestral or traumatic imprints from this life or past lives. This session is for breaking the chains from generational patterns or programming that no longer serve.

    WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? Megan will open up by spending some one on one time with you, allowing you space to discuss the issues coming up and set intention for the session. After she has answered any questions you may have, you will lie down in your own space or on the reiki table for about an hour. Megan will make sure you’re comfortable before beginning providing blanket and pillow, or if you’re on zoom, definitely set up a cozy, sacred space for yourself. You’ll be guided every step of the way.

    As Megan is a shamanic channeler and conduit, your ancestral helpers, departed loved ones, ascended masters, and powerful elements of Mother Earth are called in to support and protect you. After guiding you through a tranquil meditation, Megan will connect through consented gentle touch or if through zoom, will visualize sending healing energy to certain areas of your body such as palms of hands, head, throat, shoulders, center of stomach, ankles, shins, and soles of feet. You may feel and see yourself as a little one, or as an elder. You may see yourself as a warrior or a primal version of self. You may feel, see and experience powerful Earth elements like fire, air, water like never before. The healing flow will begin and many divine messages will be shared with you. She uses sacred tools including guided breath work, programmed playlists, drum beats, singing bowls, rattles, rain sticks, and bells. It is common in these sessions to enter into altered states of consciousness or enter into trance or even go in and out of sleep as Megan utilizes potent, transformational techniques such as: soul retrieval, energetic + candle cord cutting, astral projection, and past life regression.

    WHAT WILL YOU FEEL? What each person experiences is unique for them. It is completely normal to feel waves of emotion move through you as what’s been trapped comes to be healed. You may cry, laugh, sleep or even get loud and yell if you need to. Everything is normal when releasing discordant energy and Mother Earth knows what to do perfectly each time. Nothing is too much for Spirit , there’s nothing Mother Earth can’t handle for you. Megan will be there to guide you back fully into nurturing presence near the end of your session. An oracle card will be pulled for you as you relax and come back safely to the room. There is time for us to discuss what came up during your session and we will process it together.

    WHO BENEFITS FROM SHAMANIC JOURNEYING AND HEALING? These sessions benefit those who are experiencing or who have suffered from: Mother +Father wound, birth trauma, unprocessed loss, religious trauma, narcissistic abuse, scarcity mindset, inherited money wound, lack of worthiness, low self esteem, abandonment trauma, sexual grooming, sexual assault, PTSD, military trauma, scarcity mindset, suicidal ideations, self harm, betrayal or abusive exes or family members.

  • This 120 minute offering via Zoom or in office serves those looking to dive deeper into their healing journey. This session is more intensive than traditional reiki alone. Megan will lead you on a soul journey where you may experience altered states of consciousness. She will safely guide you through the acknowledgment process and release of any deep roots stemming from ancestral or traumatic imprints from this life or past lives. This session is for breaking the chains from generational patterns or programming that no longer serve.

    WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT? Megan will open up by spending some one on one time with you, allowing you space to discuss the issues coming up and set intention for the session. After she has answered any questions you may have, you will lie down in your own space or on the reiki table for about an hour. Megan will make sure you’re comfortable before beginning by providing a blanket and pillow, or if you’re on zoom, definitely feel free to set up a cozy, sacred space for yourself. You’ll be guided every step of the way.

    As Megan is a shamanic channeler and conduit, your ancestral helpers, angels, departed loved ones, ascended masters, and powerful elements of Mother Earth are called in to support and protect you. After guiding you through a tranquil meditation, Megan will connect through consented gentle touch or if through zoom, will visualize sending healing energy to certain areas of your body such as palms of hands, head, throat, shoulders, center of stomach, ankles, shins, and soles of feet. You may feel and see yourself as a little one, or as an elder. You may see yourself as a warrior or a primal version of self. You may feel, see and experience powerful Earth elements like fire, air, water like never before. The healing flow will begin and many divine messages will be shared with you. She uses sacred tools including guided breath work, programmed playlists, drum beats, singing bowls, rattles, rain sticks, and bells. It is common in these sessions to enter into altered states of consciousness or enter into trance or even go in and out of sleep as Megan utilizes potent, transformational techniques such as: soul retrieval, energetic + candle cord cutting, astral projection, and past life regression.

    WHAT WILL YOU FEEL? What each person experiences is unique for them. It is completely normal to feel waves of emotion move through you as what’s been trapped comes to be healed. You may cry, laugh, sleep or even get loud and yell if you need to. Everything is normal when releasing discordant energy and Mother Earth knows what to do perfectly each time. Nothing is too much for Spirit , there’s nothing Mother Earth can’t handle for you. Megan will be there to guide you back fully into nurturing presence near the end of your session. An oracle card will be pulled for you as you relax and come back safely to the room. There is time for us to discuss what came up during your session and we will process it together.

    WHO BENEFITS FROM SHAMANIC JOURNEYING AND HEALING? These sessions benefit those who are experiencing or who have suffered from: Mother + Father wound, birth trauma, unprocessed loss, religious or cult trauma, narcissistic abuse, scarcity mindset, inherited money wound, lack of worthiness, low self esteem, abandonment trauma, sexual grooming, sexual assault, PTSD, military trauma, scarcity mindset, inner child abandonment, inner child trauma, suicidal ideations, self harm, betrayal or abusive exes or family members.

    NO REFUNDS once payment has been received.

  • This 3 month bundle package allows for you to receive consistent healing support. You’ll schedule your first session and I’ll manually set up the other two when you’re ready.

    •Two full 90 minute Reiki Healing Sessions (in person or remote)

    •One 120 minute Shamanic Healing session (in person or remote).

  • Empowered Empath is an online 12 month healing container for sensitive souls ready to quantum leap! We will meet twice a month via zoom as a group and replays will be available.

    You can expect to amplify your own innate abilities, learn to channel clear, potent messages from Spirit, how to self regulate and balance each chakra of your body with ease, we will tap into Little You self and shadow self, discover unique protective shields, you can expect tarot or oracle card pulls before each meet up! You’ll receive community support as well as individual support from myself with bi-weekly virtual meet ups with safe souls, practice sending and receiving reiki consistently with fellow students, gain confidence for life while learning how to hold the cleanest, ethical space for yourself and your people ! Megan will lead the way as each student will receive an attunement to Level 1, Level 2, and a group Master Level 3 attunement near the end of the certified course.

    What you can expect to cover:


    •Mediumship development

    •Guided Meditations


    •Sound healing 101

    •Card readings

    •Crystal grids

    •Pendulum work 101

    •Shamanic healing techniques

    •Soul retrieval/soul extraction

    •Past Life regression

    •Ethics ethics and more ethics

    •Ecstatic dance

    •Any healing workshops throughout the year I hold outside of the container will be free for Empowered Empaths.

Moon Circles

  • I’m available for private women’s circles or gatherings held near Austin or surrounding cities. I will co-create with event coordinator to provide a curated experience that best suits your group! I bring along tapestries, candles, fresh flowers, Palo Santo, oracle cards, sound healing instruments, moon charged sprays and more.

    I’m passionate and experienced at facilitating women’s healing circles. My “plan” in each group is organic, as I go with the flow of what feels right for everyone. You can expect: cleansing with ethically sourced sacred smoke, brief guided meditation, sound healing, gentle breath work, heart to heart connected exercises, dance or stretch movement, sharing and card pulls. Everyone leaves with a smile and feeling more connected to Self and the group than when they walked in! Let me know how I can assist you in creating the perfect vibe for your special moments.

are you New to Energy healing?